Finale & Fel Sweetenberg | One Light (Cuts by DJ DJAZ)
From Finale & Fel Sweetenberg - "Two Kings"
Vocals by Fel Sweetenberg x Finale
Produced by Fel Sweetenberg
Video/FX by GUSTAVimages
Mixed & Mastered by Miloud Sassi for db Master Pro, Paris / Brussels
Executive Producer Loscar
Apple music
First joint out of "Two Kings", the collaborative album of Finale and Fel Sweetenberg, where the two rappers demonstrate how complementary they are and how pleasant it is to listen to them rock a banging beat signed by Fel Sweetenberg himself.
The icing on the cake, the ecstasy reaches new heights when comes the cuts of DJ Djaz who completes the title with the technicality and musicality that make his reputation!
Distant from one another by 600 miles, Detroit and Camden share the infamous honor of being prominent cities in the ranking of the American nightmare. Laminated by economic ruin, devoured by crime, poisoned by drugs, the two cities have, like New York at its worst, generated talents as gifted in microphone mastery as in sampling, as dangerous in rhyming as in production. Finale and Fel Sweetenberg are two direct emanations of these metropolises of chaos, now connected by Effiscienz. Because it is to the Parisian label that we owe this alliance.
Far from a mere agreement where everyone would stay on their assets in a pact of non-aggression, the two MCs have pooled their respective territories to constitute a Hip Hop kingdom that they would govern together. Showing no mercy to the weak.
A dark kingdom, erected from rubble, an arid production clashed with unstructured loops, some of which, though already used, are like reborn from their ashes in a climate of dull violence. Jazz, soul, classical, gospel, lyrical grandeur, in an atmosphere of conquest or on a minimalist piano coming straight out of a thriller, the pair of rhyme-makers compete with any instrument, Finale temperating by a laid and reflective flow the fiery fangs Fel sinks on every bar.
This kingdom, Fel & Finale, will have built it alone, Fel Sweetenberg taking charge of all the beats delivered to the duo's screened pages in ink, the door ajar only to let Dj Djaz introduce his turntable's tonearm to scarify the groove with his unique cuts.
Balancing the forces, bringing their ambition beyond the ill-famed streets that have already crowned them, Finale & Fel Sweetenberg raise the matt colors of a demanding rap, the radiance of their banner now beyond the limits of a Detroit-Camden axis.
Two kings, two crowns. A reign: that of hip hop.
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