Every movie you've ever seen stands on the shoulders of the people who pushed the boundaries, broke rules, and forged a new path for the art form. In honor of those great contributions form around the world, here are our picks for the Top 10 Film Movements of all time! Subscribe:
What did you think of the list? Did we leave off one of your personal favorites? Did you learn about or did this make you curious about a new era of film? Or a new country the films came from? Have we inspired you to check some of them out? What do you think is the most influential film movement of all time?
Let us know in the comments!
Would you like to learn about more film movements that were smaller but still important? Or that didn't quite make out list? Let us know and we'll do a follow up!
British New Wave
A focus on the realities of working class daily life.
Scandinavian Revival
Dark, monochrome, slow, and a little bit mystical.
Japan’s Golden Age of Cinema
Filmmakers in an unoccupied and uncensored post-WWII Japan unleashed all of their creativity at once.
New Queer Cinema
Embracing gender and sexuality as socially constructed objects.
Third Cinema
Staunchly anti-colonial in countries of the third world.
Stories, shot on location, filled with lower class non-actors struggling to go about their normal lives in the the shadow of the war.
German Expressionism
Shadowy movies with exaggerated design as a rejection of reality.
Soviet Montage
Focus on cutting because that’s what separates film from other art forms.
The Golden Age of Hollywood
As the rest of the world dealt with war the American film market thrived and benefitted from refugee filmmakers who had come to the US to escape the turmoil.
Nouvelle Vague
Filmmaking as art by auteurs, not pandering to viewers or made solely for profit.
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